
The Getty Center

Miles and I took Dzigbordi, Brianna and Jada out for some fun at the Getty Center. It's a beautiful museum located in the hills of Los Angeles. The view from the center is spectacular, you can see the ocean as well as all of LA and beyond.
Brianna is a hoot! I think she is a future fasion model (she agrees but tells me she also wants to be a cowgirl). She loves to pose, and comes up with some pretty creative ways to do so. She took the picture of Miles making the funny face. He really had a great time.

Funny story: When Dzigbordi put Miles on her back a security guard came to us and said it wasn't safe for her to carry the baby behind her; she had to have him in front and kindly asked her to do so. Dzigbordi and I laughed and laughed because this is how she and all the other women in Ghana carry their babies. The other funny thing was that the security guard was African-American. I told her that this is how they do it in Africa and she was surprized like I was the first time I saw it done. Dzigbordi did comply with the request and took Miles off her back.

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