So the twins are growing very well. She weighs 3lb 7 oz and he's 3lb 3 oz. I haven't scanned the pictures yet because I don't think the pictures we got are any better or different than the last scan. They're just getting bigger. I'm really feeling the fatique now. Friends compliment me that I don't look like I'm carrying twins, but I feel HUGE. I think my clothes hide it a little too. Although now my maternity shirts are too short. I bunch a tank top around my belly (it's too short if I try to wear it normal) to cover my stomach all the way.
Miles tried to help me carry the twins the other day. It was really cute. He wrapped his arms around my belly and tried to lift and started grunting like he was carrying something so heavy. The twins are more active than ever, my favorite part. I love to feel them move. However, even laying on my side has become uncomfortable because the twin positioned on the side I lay on starts wiggling. I fell like I'm squishing them.